Thursday, January 25, 2007

Fate, thy name is Ubuntu . . .

All right, kids . . . I'm Ubuntu Joe. That's not to say I've always been Ubuntu Joe . . . in fact, until I grew tired of viruses, spyware, costly programs to deal with viruses/spyware, poor system performance, and ZERO customer service, I was micro$oft Joe. Let's talk about that . . .

"Raised" on micro$oft as I was, I developed a kind of theological passion for the window$ operating system. I'm sure many of you can relate . . . Oh, don't worry, this blog isn't about bashing Gates or his crappy software, no, no . . . they get enough press . . . No, this blog will be something more like a chronicle of my ventures into the world of Linux via the Ubuntu distros from the perspective of a recovering window$ user . . .

I first heard of Ubuntu last year from a guy name Leo Laporte . . . perhaps you've heard of him . . . Impresario of the TWIT (This Week in Tech) podcasting network and my own personal Guru of Gadgetry . . . I took his advice and requested a copy of Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake,) from the Shipit - Free CDs link on the Ubuntu home page. They actually send you a live CD fo' free! Wild . . . A couple of weeks later, I had my live Ubuntu CD.

And, I put it in a drawer! I guess, I was deterred by "all the work" I'd have to do in order to learn this new Operating System . . . And, what would happen to all my files? My favorite programs?! My iPod?!?!

I assure you my worries were unfounded and untimately unrealized . . .

After a week or two of dabbling with the OS, I took the plunge . . . It was a real Red-Pill-Blue-Pill moment. None of this dual-booting nonsense (not that there's anything wrong with that!) On October 14th, 2006, I wiped my Dell's hard-drive clean and broke my window$ disk in twain. With the help of one of the hosts on the UbuntuOS podcast, Sal, awesome guy, I had a fresh install of Ubuntu 6.06, Dapper Drake at my command . . . And, I've never looked back.

Care to see how deep the rabbit hole goes?

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